Friday, February 16, 2007

Bashful Blogtogenarian

As any casual reader must know, my modesty is exceeded only by my technological brilliance.

So herewith, in my ninetieth post, for any reader with a craving to know more about me than any sane person would want to, my first attempt at an embedded link from the Stamford (CT) Advocate 2/15/07. If it doesn't work, you're on your own


  1. The link is not quite right -- there is one too many "http"s. It sent me to, which is next to nothing, but stripping the url down to the Stamford Advocate part of the link worked. Suggest you fix it.

    59 year-old whippersnapper

  2. It must be working now, it took me back to where I found you! Good on you! Let me know when you want to tackle YouTube's little teevee...

    And I'm older than that whippersnapper, Robert, by two years! (Can a woman be a "whippersnapper"-- not that I'd want to be called one--I've always thought it might be "smutty"...)

    Welcome to the liberating world of non-stop "letters to the editors"!


  3. As a media critic, you may enjoy the media newsletter I publish every weekday morning. To subscribe to the newsletter, let me know at Or, if you prefer, the permanent link is here

    Carolyn Kay
