Friday, June 08, 2007

Hillary's Impeachable Appointment

At her press conference this afternoon, Hillary Clinton may have to answer a few questions about her announcement this morning that “Florida Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Congressman Alcee Hastings have been named national Campaign Co-Chairs.”

Is this the Alcee Hastings who as a federal judge was impeached in 1988 for perjury and bribery by a 413-3 vote in the U.S. House of Representatives and went on to become the sixth federal judge in history to be removed from office by the Senate?

The same Alcee Hastings who earlier this year when Speaker Nancy Pelosi proposed his appointment as head of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence aroused so much protest that his name had to be withdrawn?

Beyond that, why would Hillary Clinton, of all candidates, choose to make an appointment that would renew discussion of impeaching a public official?

Just asking.


  1. Perhaps an attempt to pull black votes from Obama?

    More likely, an ingenious tactic to signal to millionaire donors who are, or could become, white-collar criminals, that they would rest easy during a friendly HRC Administraion.

  2. For someone who is supposed to be smart..she's not.
