Sunday, July 01, 2007

New Low in Lieberspeak

The Senator who has made “Independent” a dirty word in Washington outdid himself today.

On ABC “This Week,” Joe Lieberman found unspeakable new ways to attack the Party that nurtured his political career and rejected him only after his cheerleading for George Bush in Iraq.

"The leading Democratic candidates for president,” he intoned, “are competing with each other to see which one can more quickly pull more of our troops out of Iraq, while our troops are there fighting and now succeeding with a lot on the line."

They are doing this, Lieberman says, to satisfy "vested interest groups within the left" and so he now inclines toward Giuliani and McCain for ’08.

The real test may come when Mike Bloomberg decides to run as an Independent. It was Bloomberg who saved Lieberman’s sorry hide last November with manpower and money, but loyal old Joe may forget that as easily as his pompous declarations that it was the idealism of John F. Kennedy that inspired him to go into politics.

Being kissed in public by George W. Bush, like being bitten by a vampire, is obviously a life-altering experience

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

Tell you what...I'd sure like to hear Al Gore's thoughts on Holy Joe's behavior now.