Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Changing of the GOP Guard

With Day One wiped out by natural disaster, the Republican Convention will be visited tonight by man-made political pestilences named George W. Bush, bearing the lowest approval ratings in history, and Joe Lieberman, despised by both liberal Democrats who voted him out of their party and conservative Republicans who revolted to stop John McCain from choosing him as a running mate.

Disarray over the VP choice may signal a changing of the political guard, much as the Democrats' Eagleton fiasco did in 1972. Before that, the party had won six out of nine presidential elections dating back to FDR. From then on, Republicans prevailed in the following six of nine.

In a way, it's sad that Lieberman didn't get the nod to go down in history as the first Jewish candidate for vice president to experience bipartisan defeat, but with the distinct possibility that Sarah Palin will be scandaled into withdrawing, McCain may yet be able to revert to his suicidal choice, although factional in-fighting is more likely to lead to a talking-points cyborg like Tim Pawlenty.

One silver lining: With Bush scheduled to speak by satellite, delegates will be spared the effort of having to feign delirous joy as he makes a grand entrance to take the podium.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Sarah Palin has better creds than George W had when he was elected.

    He was only a cheerleader and she played point guard.

    Funny how Ike is following Hanna into the Caribbean. Could Ike be short for J. Isadore Lieberman. He may get on the ticket yet.
