Saturday, September 14, 2013

President McCain to Answer Putin

You get old, you forget things. It’s been only five years but John McCain is having a senior moment by arranging to answer Vladimir Putin, President to President.

Stirred up by the Russian leader’s New York Times OpEd piece, the 2008 loser has prevailed upon Pravda to publish his answer to the Kremlin commentary.

Whatever medication they have him on in that old-age home, the US Senate, they should consider doubling up. McCain’s memory lapses seem to be getting more frequent and virulent as time goes on.

Egypt, Libya, Syria, whatever, the former pilot of the Straight Talk Express Bus gets more garrulous at 77—-and more combative.

"Mr. McCain,” says the editor of Pravda, “has been an active anti-Russian politician for many years already. We have been critical of his stance on Russia and international politics in our materials, but we would be only pleased to publish a story penned by such a prominent politician as John McCain."

As John Kerry and the Russian Foreign Minister labor long hours to cook Assad’s goose in some mutually satisfactory manner, McCain will be stirring folks in Moscow with the real skinny on what red-blooded American patriots think about Putin and his gang.

Even so, his response will be late. New York Democratic Congressman Steve Israel has already penned a rebuttal article for Kommersant, a Russian magazine under the title, “An Open Letter to the People of Russia.”

Who would have thought that a new threat of World War III would be fueled by American lawmakers writing free-lance articles for Moscow publications?

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