Monday, June 04, 2007

Bipartisan Barking About Hillary

Mike Murphy, Republican strategist, on Meet the Press yesterday:

“I’m reminded of the old marketing joke about the new brand of cereal or dog food. You know, it’s got the best label, the best trucks, the best recipe, endorsed by Lassie, it’s got a great song. Crack open a can, the schnauzer takes a look at it, doesn’t buy it. And I think Hillary may have all the assets...everything except the voters.”

Post here on March 28, 2007:

“All this recalls the story of the re-marketing of a dog food--improved nutritional formula, better packaging, more effective ads--but no spike in sales. Asked to explain, the brand manager shrugs: “The damn dogs just won’t swallow it.”

In last night’s debate, Sen. Clinton held her own as leader of the pack. Time to retire the metaphor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought she looked and sounded good too, but thought her response to Edward's "war on Terror as bumper sticker" missed an opportunity to describe all the ways the U.S. is more vulnerable, not "safer but not safe enough" as she claimed.

On another topic, did you hear Ted Koppel on NPR May 31? He crafted the next in a long series of rationale for the continued occupation in Iraq: "stability in the Middel East." It was quite bazaar, in my view.

Be interested in your take on it.

link to Koppel at NPR