Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Who Are These People?

Talk about snake pits--it's almost impossible to keep track of the White House nest of vipers. Now they seem to be biting one another.

Scott Bloch, the intrepid investigator (see below) is now suspected of starting his new investigation in order to either (a) retaliate for an investigation of his own impropriety or (b) provide a cover story for himself if he is fired or (c) turn over enough rocks so that no one can figure out who was doing what to whom.

In an earlier post, I suggested the White House would have to be fumigated after Rove leaves. Maybe they should start now.


kfsickel said...

There is a hard-hitting column by George McGovern in today's Los Angeles Times. Have you seen it? Here is a link: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-mcgovern24apr24,1,1800867.story?ctrack=3&cset=true

Wish you would write about it!

kfsickel said...

There is a hard-hitting column by George McGovern today in the Los Angeles Times, responding to contemptous remarks Cheney recently made about him. Have you seen it? Wish you'd write about that!

Here's a link: